まず、Envato Elementsのサポートセンターにログインして、キャンセルと返金に関する情報を確認しました。
Hi !
thank you provide great service.
I’ve made a mistake about end of 7days Trial.
My payment was completed a few minutes ago. (INVOICE NUMBER : 7桁のインボイスナンバー)
I would like to get a refund.
Could you please give me a refund?
Hi [私の名前],
Thank you for getting in touch, and for trying out Elements!
Could you please give me a refund?
No worries - I've gone ahead and approved your refund request of USD $198.00. This will arrive back to your original payment method, which is your Mastercard credit card.
We generally expect refunds to appear in your statements within a week, but it can take up to 10 days to show depending on your bank and location. You'll also receive an email confirmation of the refund.
Your subscriber access to Envato Elements has now been revoked and has reverted to a free account. You will no longer be able to download or issue new licenses for items. Your free account allows you to browse items. The license for items you've downloaded (if any) during the billing period that we've refunded have been voided - meaning you cannot use these items in any projects.
I'll go ahead and close this support request for now. If you have any further questions simply reply to this email within seven days and it will go straight to my inbox.
I hope we might see back in the future.
All the best,
全体的に、Envato Elementsのサポートセンターは迅速かつ親切な対応をしてくれました。